wav to midi conversion
Automatic Music Transcription
Bibliography (1970-1998)

Bibliography accumulated here might still be interesting for those working in the field of Automatic Music Transcription.

Keywords: automatic music transcription, wav to midi conversion, fundamental frequency detection, pitch tracking, sound segmentation, note's onset detection, beat induction, rhythm recognition, content based audio retrieval, score following, expressive performance extraction, music perception.


Computer Music Journal
Transactions on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing
Journal of Audio Engineering Society
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Journal of New Music Research
Music Perception
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing
International Computer Music Conference
International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Association for Computing Machinery
Center for Computer Research in Musics and Acoustics
Institut Recherche Coordination Acoustique Musique
Massachussets Institute of Technology


Agon, C., G. Assayag, J. Fineberg and C. Rueda (1994). Kant: a critique of pure quantification, ICMC’94, pp. 52-59.

Allen, P.E. and R.B. Dannenberg (1990). Tracking musical beats in real time, ICMC’90, pp. 140-143.

Andre-Obrecht, R. (1988). A new statistical approach for the automatic segmentation of continuous speech signals, IEEE ASSP 36(1).

Askenfelt, A. (1976). Automatic notation of played music (status report), STL-QPSR 1/1976, pp. 1-11.

Askenfelt, A. and K. Elenius (1977). Editor and search programs for music, STL-QPSR, 4/1977, pp. 9-12.

Askenfelt, A. (1979). Automatic notation of played music: the VISA project, Fontes Artes Musicae, Vol. XXVI/2, pp. 109-120.

Avitsur, E. (1993). WATER: A workstation for automatic transcription of ethnic recordings, Computing in Musicology 9, p. 77.

Bagshaw, P.C., S.M. Hiller and M.A. Jack (1993). Enhanced pitch tracking and the processing of f0 contours for computer aided intonation teaching, EuroSpeech’93, pp. 1003-1006.

Bilmes, J. (1993). Timing is of the essence: perceptual and computational techniques for representing, learning, and reproducing expressive timing in percusive rhythm, M.Sc. thesis, MIT Media Laboratory.

Blackburn, S. and D. DeRoure (1998). A tool for content based navigation of music, ACM Multimedia’98 - Electronic Proceedings.

Bobrek, M. (1996). Polyphonic music segmentation using wavelet based pre-structured filter banks with improved time-frequency resolution, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1996.

Bobrek, M. and D.B. Koch (1997). A Macintosh based system for polyphonic music transcription, ESEAM’97, The First Electronic Scientific and Engineering Applications of the Macintosh Conference, 1997.

Bregman, A.S. (1990). Auditory Scene Analysis: the Perceptual Organisation of Sound, MIT Press.

Brown, G.J. and M. Cooke (1994). Perceptual grouping of musical sounds: a computational model, JNMR 23(1), pp. 107-132.

Brown, J.C. and M. Puckette (1989). Calculation of a “narrowed” autocorrelation function, JASA 85(4), pp.1595-1601.

Brown, J.C., (1991). Calculation of a Constant Q Spectral Transform, JASA 89, pp. 425-434.

Brown, J.C. and M.S. Puckette (1993). A high resolution fundamental frequency determination based on phase changes of the Fourier transform, JASA 94(2), pp. 662-667.

Brown, J.C. (1993). Determination of the meter of musical scores by autocorrelation, JASA 94(4), pp. 1953-1957.

Brown, J.C. and K.V. Vaughn (1996). Pitch center of stringed instrument vibrato tones, JASA 100(), pp. 1728-1735.

Cagle, R.T. (1996). Music to MIDI: progress towards the automatic transcription of multi-timbral musical signals into standard MIDI files, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee, 1996.

Cagle, R.T. and D.B. Koch (1997). Progress towards the automatic transcription of musical recordings into standard MIDI files, Electronic Scientific and Engineering Aplications of the Macintosh Conference eSEAM’97.

Calway, A. (1989). The multiresolution Fourier transform: a general purpose tool for image analysis, PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, The University of Warwick, UK.

Cambouropoulos, E. (1998). Musical parallelism and melodic segmentation, Proceedings of the XIIth Colloquium on Musical Informatics, pp. 111-114.

Carey, M., E.S. Parris and G.D. Tattersall (1997). Pitch Estimation of Singing for Re-Synthesis and Musical Transcription, EuroSpeech’97, pp. 887-890.

Carreras, F., M. Leman and D. Petrolino (1998). Extraction of music harmonic information using schema-based decomposition, Proceedings of the XIIth Colloquium on Musical Informatics, pp. 115-118.

Casajus-Quiros, F.J. and P. Fernandez-Cid (1994). Real-time loose-harmonic matching fundamental frequency estimation for musical signals, ICASSP’94, pp. 221-224.

Cerveau, L. (1994). Segmentation de phrases musicales a partir de la fréquence fondamentale, Mémoire DEA ATIAM, Université Paris 6.

Chafe, C., B. Mont-Reynaud and L. Rush (1982) Toward an intelligent editor of digital audio: Recognition of musical constructs, CMJ, 6(1), pp. 30-41.

Chafe, C., D. Jaffe, K. Kashima, B. Mont-Reynaud and J. Smith (1985). Techniques for note identification in polyphonic music, ICMC’85, pp. 399-405. Chafe, C. and D. Jaffe (1986). Source separation and note identification in polyphonic music, ICASSP’86, pp.

Chilton, E.H.S. and B.G. Evans (1987). Performance comparison of five pitch determination algorithms on the linear prediction residual of speech, EuroSpeech’87, pp. 403-406.

Chowning, J.M., L. Rush, B. Mont-Reynaud, C. Chafe, A. Schloss and J. Smith (1984). Intelligent systems for the analysis of digitized acoustic signals, Final report, Technical Report STAN-M-15, Stanford University Department of Music.

Chowning, J.M. and B. Mont-Reynaud (1986). Intelligent analysis of composite acoustic signals, Technical Report STAN-M-36, Stanford University Department of Music.

Clynes, M. (1987). What can a musician learn about music performance from newly discovered microstructure principles (PM and PAS)?, In A. Gabrielson (ed.) Action and Perception in Rhythm and Music, Royal Swedish Academy of Music, 55.

Cook, P.R. (1995). An investigation of singer pitch deviation as a function of pitch and dynamics, Thirteenth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, pp. 202-205.

Coüasnon, B. and B. Rétif (1995). Using a grammar for a reliable full score recognition system, ICMC’95, pp. 187-194.

Coyle, E.J. and I. Shmulevich (1998). A system for machine recognition of music patterns, ICASSP’98, pp. 3597-3600.

d’Allesandro, C. and M. Castellengo (1991). Etudes, par la synthèse de la perception du vibrato vocal dans les transitions de notes, Bulletin d’Audiophonologie 7, pp. 551-564.

d’Alessandro, C. and M. Castellengo (1994). The pitch of short duration vibrato tones, JASA 95(3), pp. 1617-1630.

Dannenberg, R.B. and B. Mont-Reynaud (1987). Following an improvisation in real time, ICMC’87, pp. 241-248.

Desain, P. and H. Honing (1989). Quantization of musical time: A connexionist approach, CMJ 13(3), pp.

Desain, P. and H. Honing (1993). Time functions function better as functions of multiple times, CMJ 16(2), pp. 17-34.

Desain, P. (1993). A connectionist and a traditional AI quantizer, symbolic versus sub-symbolic models of rhythm perception, Contemporary Music Review 9, pp. 239-254 (http://www.nici.kun.nl/mmm/publications/list.html).

Desain, P. and H. Honing (1994). Foot-tapping: a brief introduction to beat induction, ICMC’94, pp. 78-79 (http://www.nici.kun.nl/mmm/publications/list.html).

Desain, P. and H. Honing (1994). Rule-based models of initial beat induction and an analysis of their behavior, ICMC’94, pp. 80-82 (http://www.nici.kun.nl/mmm/publications/list.html).

Desain, P. and H. Honing (1994). Does expressive timing in music performance scale proportionally with tempo, Psychological Research 56, pp. 285-292 (http://www.nici.kun.nl/mmm/publications/list.html).

Desain, P. (1995). A (de)composable theory of rhythm perception, MP 9, pp. 439-454.

Desain, P. and H. Honing (1995). Towards algorithmic descriptions of continuous modulations of musical parameters, ICMC’95, pp. 393-395 (http://www.nici.kun.nl/mmm/publications/list.html).

Desain, P. and H. Honing (1996). Modeling continuous aspects of music performance: vibrato and portamento, ICMPC’96 (http://www.nici.kun.nl/mmm/publications/list.html).

Desain, P. and al. (1997). Robust score performance matching: taking advantage of structural information, ICMC’97, pp. 337-340 (http://www.nici.kun.nl/mmm/publications/list.html).

Di Federico, R. and G. Borin (1998). An improved pitch synchronous sinusoidal analysis-synthesis method for voice and quasi-harmonic sounds, Proceedings of the XIIth Colloquium on Musical Informatics, pp. 215-218.

Dixon, S.E. and D.M.W. Powers (1996). The characterization, separation and transcription of complex acoustic signals, Proceedings of the 6th Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, pp. 73-78.

Dixon, S. (1996). A dynamic modeling approach to music recognition, ICMC’96, pp. 83-86.

Dixon, S. (1996). Multiphonic note identification, Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Computer Science Conference (? Australian Computer Science Communications 18(1)), pp. 318-323.

Dixon, S. (1997). Beat induction and rythm recognition, Proceedings of the Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 311-320.

Dolson, M. (1986). The phase vocoder, CMJ 10(4), pp. 14-27.

Doval, B. (1994). Estimation de la Fréquence Fondamentale des Signaux Sonores, These de doctorat de l’Université Paris VI.

Drake, C. and C. Palmer (1993). Accent structures in music performance, MP 10(3), pp. 343-378.

Drioli, C. and G. Borin (1998). Automatic recognition of musical events and attributes in singing, Proceedings of the XIIth Colloquium on Musical Informatics, pp. 17-20.

Ellis, D.P.W. (1996). Prediction-driven computational auditory scene analysis, Ph.D. Thesis, MIT. (http://sound.media.mit.edu/papers.html#dpwe).

Fernandez-Cid, P. and F.J. Casajus-Quiros (1998). Multi-pitch estimation for polyphonic musical signals, ICASSP’98, pp. 3565-3568.

Foote, J.T. (1997). Content based retrieval of music and audio, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 3229, pp. 138-147, (http://www.fxpal.com/people/foote/papers/index.htm).

Foote, J.T. (1997). An overview of audio information retrieval, ACM - Springer, Multimedia Systems, (http://www.fxpal.com/people/foote/papers/index.htm).

Forsberg, J. (1997). Automatic conversion of sound to the MIDI-format, M.Sc. thesis, Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Forsberg, J. (1998). Automatic conversion of sound to the MIDI-format, TMH-QPSH, 1-2/1998, pp. 53-60.

Foster, S. (1982). A pitch synchronous segmenter for musical signals, ICASSP’82.

Foster, S. and A.J. Rockmore (1982). Signal processing for the analysis of musics sound, ICASSP’82, pp. 89-92.

Foster, S., W.A. Schloss and A.J. Rockmore (1982). Toward an intelligent editor of digital audio: Signal processing methods, CMJ, 6(1), pp. 42-51.

Ghias, A., J. Logan, D. Chamberlin, B.C. Smith (1995). Query by humming - Musical information retrieval in an audio database, ACM Multimedia’95 - Electronic Proceedings, (http://www.cs.cornell.edu/Info/Faculty/bsmith/query-by-humming.html).

Gold, B. and L. Rabiner (1969). Parallel processing techniques for estimating pitch periods of speech in the time domain, JASA, 46(2), pp. 442-448.

Goldstein, J.L., A. Gerson, P. Srulovicz and M. Furst (1978). Verification of the optimal probabilistic basis of aural processing in pitch of complex tones, JASA 63(2), pp. 486-497.

Gordon, J.W. (1987). The perceptual attack transients in musical tones, JASA 82(1), pp. 88-105.

Gordon, J.W. (). Perception of attack transients in musical tones, Technical Report STAN-M-17, Department of Music, Stanford University.

Goto, M. and Y. Muraoka (1995). A real-time beat tracking system for audio signals, ICMC’95, pp. 171-174.

Goto, M. and Y. Muraoka (1996). Beat tracking based on multiple-agent architecture - a real-time beat tracking system for audio signals, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Multiagent Systems, pp. 103-110, (http://staff.aist.go.jp/m.goto/publications.html).

Goto, M. and Y. Muraoka (1997). Issues in evaluating beat tracking systems, IJCAI’97 Workshop on Issues in Artificial Intelligence and Music - Evaluation and Assessment, pp. 9-16, (http://staff.aist.go.jp/m.goto/publications.html)

Goto, M. and Y. Muraoka (1997). Real-time rhythm tracking for drumless audio signals - chord change detection for musical decisions, IJCAI’97 Workshop on CASA, pp. 135-144, (http://staff.aist.go.jp/m.goto/publications.html).

Goto, M. and Y. Muraoka (1998). An audio-based real-time beat tracking system and its applications, ICMC’98, pp. 17-20, (http://staff.aist.go.jp/m.goto/publications.html).

Goto, M. and Y. Muraoka (1998). Music understanding at the beat level - real-time beat tracking for audio signals, In Readings in CASA (eds. Rosenthal, D. and H. Okuno), Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, pp. 157-176.

Grassi, M. (1998). Mistuned scales, Proceedings of the XIIth Colloquium on Musical Informatics, pp. 228-231.

Grubb, L. and R. Dannenberg (1994). Automating ensemble performance, ICMC’94, pp. 63-69.

Handel, S. (1989). Listening: An Introduction to the perception of Auditory Events. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Hashimoto, S., H. Qi and D. Chang (1996). Sound database retrieved by sound, ICMC’96, pp. 121-123.

Hawley (1993). Structure out of Sound, Ph.D. thesis, MIT.

Hermes, D. (1988). Measurement of pitch by subharmonic summation, JASA 83(1), pp. 257-264.

Hess, W. (1983). Pitch Determination of Speech Signals. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Honing, H. (1995). The vibrato problem, comparing two solutions, CMJ 19(3).

Inoue, W., S. Hashimoto and S. Ohteru (1993). A computer music system for human singing, ICMC’93, pp. 150-153.

Iwamiya, S., T. Miyakura and N. Satoh (1989). Perceived pitch of complex FM-AM tones, ICMPC’89, pp. 431-436.

Kageyama, T., K. Mochizuki and Y. Takashima (1993). Melody retrieval with humming, ICMC’93, pp. 349-351.

Kapadia, J.H. (1995). Automatic recognition of musical notes, M.Sc. thesis, University of Toledo.

Kapadia, J.H. and J.F. Hemdal (1995). Automatic recognition of musical notes, JASA 98(5), p. 2957.

Kashino, K. and H. Tanaka (1993). A sound source separation system with the ability of automatic tone modeling, ICMC’93, pp. 248-255.

Kashino, K., K. Nakadai, T. Kinoshita, H. Tanaka (1995). Application of Bayesian probability network to music scene analysis, Working notes of the IJCAI’95 Computational Audio Scene Analysis workshop.

Kashino, K., K. Nakadai, T. Kinoshita, H. Tanaka (1995). Organization of Hierarchical Perceptual Sounds, IJCAI’95, pp. 158-164.

Kashino, K. and H. Murase (1998). Music Recognition using note transition context, ICASSP’98, pp. 3593-3596.

Katayose, H. and S. Inokuchi (1989). The Kansei music system, CMJ 13(4), pp. 72-77.

Katayose, H., T. Kanamori, K. Kamei, Y. Nagashima, K. Sato, S. Inokuchi and S. Simura (1993). Virtual performer, ICMC’93, pp. 138-145.

Katayose, H. and S. Inokuchi (1993). Learning performance rules in a music interpretation system, Computers and Humanities 27(1), pp. 31-40.

Katayose, H. and S. Inokuchi (1995). A model of pattern processing for music, ICMC’95, pp. 505-506.

Keislar, D., T. Blum, J. Wheaton and E. Wold (1995). Audio analysis for content-based retrieval, ICMC’95, pp. 199-202.

King, J.-B. and Y. Horii (1993). Vocal matching of frequency modulation in synthesised vowels, Journal of Voice 7, pp. 151-159.

Klapuri, A. (1997). Automatic Transcription of Music, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Information Technology, Tampere University of Technology, Finland. (http://www.cs.tut.fi/~klap/iiro/contents.html).

Klapuri, A. (1998). Number theoretical means of resolving a mixture of several harmonic sounds, Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO’98. http://www.cs.tut.fi/~klap/iiro/).

Klapuri, A. (1999). Sound onset detection by applying psychoacoustic knowledge, ICASSP’99, (http://www.cs.tut.fi/~klap/iiro/).

Kronland-Martinet, R, J. Morlet and A. Grossmann (1987). Analysis of sound patterns through wavelet transforms, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2, pp. 97-126.

Krumhansl, C.L. (1991(90)). Cognitive Foundations of Musical Pitch. Oxford University Press, Oxford (New York).

Kuhn, W.B. (1990). A real-time pitch recognition algorithm for music applications, CMJ 14(3), pp. 60-71.

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Large, E.W. (1995). Beat tracking with a nonlinear oscillator, IJCAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Music.

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Longuet-Higgins, H.C. and C.S. Lee (1984). The rhythmic interpretation of monophonic music, MP 1, pp. 424-441.

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Marolt, M. (1998). Feedforward neural networks for piano music transcription, Proceedings of the XIIth Colloquium on Musical Informatics, pp. 240-243.

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McNab, R., L.A. Smith and I.H. Witten (1995). Signal processing for melody transcription, Working paper 95/22, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.

McNab, R. (1996). Interactive applications of music transcription, M.Sc. thesis, University of Waikato - New Zealand.

McNab, R.J., L.A. Smith, I.H. Witten, C.L. Henderson and S.J. Cunningham (1996). Towards the digital music library: tune retrieval from acoustic input, Proceedings of ACM Digital Libraries’96, pp. 11-18.

McNab, R.J., L.A. Smith, D. Bainbridge and I.H. Witten (1997). The New Zealand digital library melody index, D-Lib Magazine (http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may97/meldex/05witten.html).

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Mellinger, D.K. and B. Mont-Reynaud (1991). Sound explorer: A workbench for investigating source separation, ICMC’91, pp. 90-94.

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